广西桂林市灌阳县喜红东春选矿机械厂广西桂林市灌阳县喜红东春机械厂是三盘带式磁选机、885单盘机、双辊洗矿机、褐铁矿(锰矿)四辊水式强磁磁选机、XJK,SF系列浮选机、FC FLG螺旋分级机、高压电选机、PE、PEX系列鄂式破碎机、对辊式破碎机 锤式破碎机 振动筛、褐铁矿水式(锰矿)、强磁磁先机(尾矿回机)、六辊强磁锰矿磁选机、高效节能轴承式中心转动球(棒)磨机、齿轮转动烘干机、永磁筒式磁选机等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。广西桂林市灌阳县喜红东春机械厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。业务QQ:1571635226 电话:18677341068 Introduction of the Factory Guilin City GuanYang County metal machinery plant in Gnangxi is professi onal development,design,produxtion m It owns a group of intermediate and senior engineers,and a team of leaders,who are creative and good at management.Every year,2 of 3 new products would be produced to meet the needs of the ever-developing market.Our products include machinery for gravity separation,magnetic separation,electrostatic separation process,flotation process,crushing,grinding ,ore dressing by screening and so on.They are mainly used in the crushing ,ore dressing by screening,grinding and concentration.of manganese,chromium,,wolfram,iron ,titanium,Zirconirm,tantalum,niobirm,lead,zinc,copper,antimony,garnet,quartz and so on, We Factory in the idea of “Qrantity,creation,honesty and Deve-lopment.”We will win over our customers and market throrgh good quality of our products and perfect after-sale services.Experts and customers are welcome.
- 所在地区:广西桂林市灌阳县
- 行业分类:普通机械制造业
- 地址:广西壮族自治区 中国 广西 灌阳县 灌阳镇接官亭73号
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